Praise for Casting Homeward

“Casting Homeward is Steve Ramirez’s best book to date. Within it, he brings a much-needed soothing voice to this era of cacophony.”
Monte Burke
New York Times best-selling author of Saban and Lords of the Fly

“Casting Homeward is a transformative adventure exploring the healing power of nature and fly fishing. Since featuring his first book Casting Forward in my film Mending the Line, I can attest that Steve’s writing is an immersive, beautiful journey, surpassed only by the experience of fishing alongside him.”
Joshua Caldwell
fly fisher, director of the feature film Mending the Line

“Driven by health devils and wanderlust, Steve Ramirez picks up his fly rod and takes us fishing from Texas to Alaska to the East Coast, searching for a restorative bond with the natural world. Ramirez mixes fishing waters, a host of friends, and more as he searches for – and finds – hope and home where he casts his fly.”
John N. Maclean
author of Home Waters; A Chronicle of Family and a River.

“As a man and a writer, Ramirez favors questions over answers, and as Bob Dylan wrote about a former girlfriend, ‘knows too much to argue or to judge.’ Casting Homeward invites and guides the reader on an epic journey to some of America’s most evocative, fragile, and legendary rivers.”
Richard Louv, author of “Our Wild Calling” and “Last Child in the Woods.”

“A Zen Master of words and insight, Ramirez’ quest for meaning with a fly rod in hand takes the reader on a soulful journey to the most beautiful places in the country. With thought filled stories that elevate the spirit, Casting Homeward is another perfect cast through the water that flows through his life.”
Jerry Kustich
Author of A Wisp in the Wind: In Search of Bull Trout, Bamboo, and Beyond, Owner, and Craftsman at Sweetgrass Bamboo Rods